About Eco Kid

My name is Amber King and I became a new mom in September 2010!  The excitement and responsibility I feel for this new life is overwhelming, so, inspired by my experiences in travel, nature, everyday living, and one book in particular (Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv), this blog became my outlet for organizing and sharing ways to make my family more environmentally responsible.  Whether you're a mom or just someone who is interested in living an environmentally-friendly life, I welcome you to my blog!

In February 2011, we moved to the Washington DC area, which poses a special challenge when it comes to finding nature-based activities in a largely urban environment.  In this blog, I will share my research and personal tips for eco-friendly living and raising environmentally-responsible kids, even if you live in a city.  Nothing fancy, just the things I find or have tried that I think make the most sense and could be incorporated into the average person's lifestyle.  The topics will be broad, but with a focus on parenthood: everything from where and how to buy good, eco-friendly products to activities you can do with your kids to get them interested in the great outdoors.

New to this blog?  Check out our past topics here.

I strive to update the blog at least once a week on Saturdays and hope you find it helpful in raising your own kids!

I'd also love to hear from you!  If you have a great eco-tip or experience to share, send it my way: ecokidblog@gmail.com.

Cherry Blossom Festival 2011 - Washington, DC
Alison @ 8 Months - Old Town Alexandria Waterfront
Nathan & I Before Children - Sulphur Mountain - Banff National Park - 2007